Privacy FAQs
Last Updated: December 13, 2024
Cumbria Police are using Fūsus to help create stronger public-private relationships and enable businesses and community members to work more closely with law enforcement. The Fūsus system helps to increase community security while maintaining personal privacy.
How does the CCTV registry work?
The Connect Cumbria enables investigators to request digital footage from the community without a police visit. In the past, the police had to rely on eyewitnesses and piece together information over days and sometimes months. The CCTV registry gives residents and business owners the ability to register their cameras on an online portal. The police can quickly and easily create a map of relevant cameras that could help gather evidence for crimes and life-saving data. This enables the police to know where these cameras are so that they can request footage in a specific area from the owner during an investigation, emergency event, or emergency response. Cumbria Police officers will not have access to any live streaming capabilities.
What personal information is collected by registering?
We collect the following information when you register your device:
- First and Last Name
- Address
- Phone Number
- Email Address
How will my personal information and video footage be processed?
The Cumbria Police will process your personal information and video footage for the following reasons:
- The prevention, investigation, detection, or prosecution of criminal offences
- The execution of criminal penalties, including the safeguarding against and the prevention of threats to public security
- Policing purposes
Your contact information will only be processed by authorized Cumbria Police users to request video footage and additional information to aid in an investigation, emergency event, or emergency response.
Can my personal information and video footage be shared with others?
Video footage may be shared with other authorised Cumbria Police users to assist in an investigation, emergency event, or emergency response.How much does it cost to register my cameras?
It is completely free to register your camera.
Can Cumbria Police remotely access my cameras at any time?
No. Registering your cameras means the police will know where your cameras are located in the event of a crime or a critical incident. There is no direct access to any privately-owned cameras and the registry is only used to request footage if an incident were to occur.
Who has access to the camera map?
Only authorised Cumbria Police users have access to the entire CCTV registry map in their areas.
Can I unsubscribe from the CCTV registry, and change or delete my information?
To amend or delete your registration information, complete our online form.
Is my camera information subject to a disclosure in a public data request?
No. Your CCTV registry data is classified as protected non-public data and is only accessible by authorised users of our system.
Is the CCTV Registry Secure?
The CCTV Registry adheres to the highest standards of security for access to, transfer, and sharing of criminal justice information. All data that is accessible within the CCTV Registry is encrypted at rest, in transit, and in its cloud hosted location. Access to databases is restricted by strict networking rules. All Axon employees involved in software development undergo an extensive screening process, including background checks and fingerprinting.
For more information on the processing of your personal information, including your data subject rights, please review the privacy notice for the Cumbria Police here
What if I cannot register my camera?
On rare occasions, our system may not be able to find your address when you are completing the registration process. Should this be the case, please fill out this form and our team will work to get you added to the Connect Cumbria program as soon as possible.